
29 Mai 2018

Time flies

“Alian District already feels like home and teaching English resembles my new occupation”

Within the past month I made new contacts, exchanged opinions and widen my horizon by interacting with lots of Taiwanese and taking part in their daily life. – My volunteering project is a great opportunity getting to know the different lifestyle at the other end of the world. But as with so many things in life: “It’s up to you”. - You have the chance to make a change and you have to take it.

And so it came that I reviewed the last weeks English classes (at the different kind of schools) and went for a chat with Cathy about the students’ level of education.

Even though English is their second language and they start learning it from second grade on (and in addition to that at Prime School in the afternoon) there is still the alphabet written in the seventh’ graders exercise book and they struggle with simple questions. I went through their schedule, observed a few classes in different grades and came to the conclusion that there is absolutely nothing wrong with their way of teaching- but that Taiwanese students tend to try to memorize almost everything instead of making use of their skills.

Anyway, two more weeks left and I still try to do my best to encourage them speaking English!

This week was all about midterm examinations and I took an important part in the oral testing: Each student got a work sheet and had to attempt to a “small talk with teacher Lia”. It was fun but it took its time. As a reward we will bake some German cake next week and practise soccer in conjunction with useful phrases on the pitch, I promised.

On Wednesday I went to Alian Elementary School again, hold my presentation and even had to sign autographs, haha. After that I was picked up by Allen and we went to Alian Junior High for additional presentations.

On Thursday there was my weekly evening dancing class and for the following day I was already invited to take part in a pizza making class and presentation of the drummer class at John’s school which I really enjoyed.

The weekend came quickly and so did the shopping trip to Kaohsiung city with Tina, her friend Lulu and me (which was already planned three weeks in advance ;-)). It was nice strolling around the lanes being surrounded by young people and all the different kind of food and shopping stores.

A relaxing weekend continued with a churchgoing on Sunday morning and a following lunch and tea time in the community. I expanded my Chinese vocabulary and finished the day with a pleasurable dinner at Carols’ home.

…It has become a routine wielding your chop sticks for every meal and exchanging experiences and differences to the European life. I start feeling way more comfortable as I should and can’t belief there are only two more weeks ahead…

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26 Mai 2018

Routine Routine Routine

“Third week in a nutmeg: School Field Trip – Presentation at Alian Elementary – Visiting Alian Junior High twice – Swimming Class - Church Dancing Lesson – Tea Times - Sightseeing Tainan – Global Village Day”

When I skimmed next week’s schedule I already realised that there’s a busy week ahead – and it really turned out being a busy one but in a nice kind of way!

On Tuesday whole “Fu An Elementary School” went to the industrial park of Tainan for this year’s field trip. Cathy, the English teacher and I accompanied the first and second graders with whom we first determined the pH- value of diverse liquids (e.g. liquidated baking powder) by means of the colour change of indicator dyes. After that we went to a museum and were introduced to the earth’s history regarding its flora and fauna and geological progress. We finished our stay at Tainan’s industrial research institute with a visit to a small farm. The students were taught about the animals’ habits and needings and got the opportunity to feed them afterwards.

After lunch break the whole school went to an astrological observation centre where we were introduced to the astrological and physical discoveries of the 20th century and watched a 3D movie. A bear and a penguin travelled into space to figure out why the sun doesn’t shine for half a year on the North Pole.

On Wednesday I was invited to “Alian Elementary School” to give a few presentations about my country and myself. (Fun fact: the students already knew about myself that’s why everybody greeted me by my name whilst passing the class rooms.)

The morning passed by quickly and soon I was picked up by the Junior High School director and Allen, an English teacher. Together we had lunch at “Alian Junior High School” and took some pictures with the principal. I talked to some first graders during their breaks and enjoyed tea time at the office. Moreover I got to see the final rehearsal of the puppet show and received the information that they are invited to Germany to present their show in a couple of month!

On Thursday there was the weekly swimming class at school and in the evening Carol, my host sister’s former baby-sitter asked me to join her for the church dancing class after dinner. – And I was amazed! First I thought about old women tap-dancing but it actually turned out to be an extremely challenging sequence of dancing moves accompanied by modern Taiwanese music. Later on we did some stretching and I watched the ladies performing their choreographed dance.

On Friday afternoon I was invited to the Junior High School again and observed and English lesson. After that I introduced Allen to the weightlifting class and wished the team good luck for their competition in Taipei on the weekend.

I finished the day with my host family going out for tea time and also got a cake for free from the cafés owner.

On Saturday we went to the morning market for breakfast and did some grocery shopping for the German food paradise court for Sunday’s Global Village Day. Furthermore we visited my host mum’s family in Tainan and her sister took me out on a motorcycle trip through the city visiting Giang- Gong Temple and Fort Provintia. After an incredible dinner at their parents house we went to the mall, did some shopping and I prepared the German potato salad after my grandma’s prescription…

The Global Village Day was a nice day to get to see all the AIESEC members and EPs again and with some elementary students we played some games, did DIYs and enjoyed the international food paradise within our culture sharing presentations. 

Even though there are only seven days in a week I was able to enjoy all the different activities to the fullest! It was tough but I can’t even wait for the following week to start.

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22 Mai 2018

Spring Break in Taiwan

“Seeing Taiwan’s underrated beauty”

My second week at school continued with a lot of presentations about my home country, Germany and the past tense phrase: “Where were you?” In order to support Cathy’s English class, I showed some pictures of myself discovering other countries the students had to guess. And because it was the last lesson before the upcoming holiday each correct answer received a bread stick ^^.

Moreover, I was offered to take part in the field trip to an agricultural association which included studying the bee hives and its population and a trip to a stone temple, situated in “Moon World”. Arriving there we were shown around and got an explanation about its history being built as an acknowledgement (by “lost” foreigners that were welcomed by monks) and donations. Finishing off our trip we were offered a variety of donated local products for a delicious lunch.

Spring break time: Spring break started calm with an afternoon trip to Kaohsiung’s “Love River” and a dinner in family.

On Thursday we went to Nantou Country, took a rest at Jiji train station before we went for a bicycle tour around (a part of) “Sun Moon Lake” –was a little bit disappointed by its beauty due to the missing sun.

In the evening we arrived at a friend’s holiday house (we were a travel group of 14), enjoyed dinner and had an amazing karaoke night which we finished with a night walk to the local temple.

The next day we went to the “Dexing Reservoir” with its stunning waterfall and bought some sweet potatoes in a monster village in the forest at the margin of Yushan National Park.

Exhausted but happy I fell into bed: tomorrow’s plan was EDA World!

EDA World: EDA World is a theme park combining fun, shopping and relaxation. We spent the day riding roller coasters and running from one attraction to another – there is still the twitchy inner child in me when it comes to action and fun!

On Sunday I was invited to visit Sandy, a teacher of “Alian Elementary School” in her hometown Tainan, Taiwan’s oldest city. We did some sightseeing (e.g. Fort Zeelandia, Mazu Temple and An-Ping Tree House) and I was introduced to the Dutch’s former colonial time there. We chatted about the differences and similarities in between our cultures and enjoyed dinner at their parent’s house where I got to try the mullets (fish) stomach and delicious bamboo.

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20 Mai 2018

AIESEC global volunteering -Arriving in Kaohsiung

“Ready for takeoff – ready for new acquaintances, new experiences and r six great weeks in Taiwan”

My trip already started with a little shock to me: After getting back to Ho Chi Minh City (from Phu Quoc Island) the bag I left there was gone... – and guess what was inside: my host families’ present, of course. Anyway I got on the plane and arrived safely at Kaohsiung airport. With a very queasy feeling I passed the gate. 
But when I saw my name written on a colourful sign it took a load off my mind. And after a couple of minutes chatting with my host family on our way back home I already felt soothed and relaxed and knew that I would really enjoy my time here in Taiwan.

To not be thrown in at the deep end, “Fu An Elementary schools’” English teacher, Cathy,  came for dinner and explained what we’re about to do within the first week, what special days are ahead and pleased me not to worry too much about anything but to enjoy my experience.

First Day of school:
After some curious looks and shy “hellos” my welcoming introduction by principal Wu, Ting- Yu clarified why there is a white girl strolling around the playground: The following hours I was surrounded by so many new faces: I felt like a little star, gathering all the attention.
I was immediately asked to join the game “Hide and seek”, to race for sixty metres and to even give signs!

The students were very keen on getting to know me that’s why I prepared a presentation in which I introduced my family and friends, hobbies and life back in Germany. We clarified the meaning of the famous “sugar bag” each first grader gets on their first week of primary school and figured out that Germans don’t throw their birthday cake in the swimming pool when it’s their anniversary...

In the evenings teacher Cathy came for a chat or my family and I visited their friends to whom I was introduced later. I also made friends with our neighbours and went for some hikes in the national park nearby in the evenings. Moreover I got to know Eva (a Taiwanese girl who spent two years at an American High School and is back in Taiwan for spring break) an we discovered a lot of similarities. One afternoon, Eva’s family, she and I went to Kaohsiung city to visit “Cijin Island (Qijin)”. We saw the sun set at the black sand beach and visited Kaohsiung Lighthouse and “Qihou Fort” from where we had a stunning view to Kaohsiung’s harbour and its skyline. Later on we went to the old railway station and Banana harbour. We finished the day with some Taiwanese ice (crushed ice with green tea and beans), fish candy and a dinner at a Taiwanese restaurant.

In the following days there were some reading and writing competitions at our school which I checked and also some preparations for the up-coming “Pre-children” day at school. Almost every student got a present (142 presents in total!) and the event was accompanied by different highlights like the Yo-yo class and choir.

Because I am really keen on sports I was invited to several activities like Basketball and Soccer games and even asked whether I would like to try the Junior High Schools weightlifting class- which I had to attempt to! It’s like a personal training to me I never had and I will definitely continue working on my posture and flexibility, haha

On Easter Sunday I went to church in the morning and was invited to join the teachers for lunch – which was amazing (I got to try a variety of Taiwanese food (especially the different styles of chicken))! Moreover, a teacher invited me to have a look on his Jujube farm and with a full stomach I went back home (just to change my clothes to go for a hike in the national park with John and our neighbours while our ladies went out for a movie).

Exhausted I am writing this report right now but can hardly wait for the new week to start.

Lia Wiedenbein (19, volunteer: 25.05.2018-06.05.2018)

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12 Mai 2018

All the way through - Vietnam

"Vietnam: Millionenstädte, Reisfelder, Obstplantagen, Strände und Gebirge- eine Vielfalt wie sonst kaum ein Land zu bieten hat und doch auf 8.000 Kilometer Distanz von Nord nach Süd verteilt.

Unser Plan: 8.000 Kilometer von Nord nach Süd innerhalb von 16 Tagen."

Vorab muss ich gestehen, dass sich die Strecke nicht allzu heftig anhörte. Während der Bus- und Nachtzugfahrten erfuhren wir jedoch, dass das Zurücklegen solcher Distanzen in keinster Weise mit dem Reisen innerhalb Deutschlands oder Europas zu vergleichen ist.

Aus der (relativ) ruhigen Altstadt Hanois ging es nach kurzer Verschnaufpause und 
Phở im Magen in das kühle und  ursprüngliche Sa Pa, den Norden Vietnams.

Mit unserem Guide Sa stand eine entspannte Trekking Tour durch die Felder und Teeplantagen an. Wir nächtigten bei Locals und tranken den vietnamesischen Sake zu ruhiger Stunde am Ofen.

Daraufhin ging es in die alte Hauptstadt Vietnams, Ninh Binh, und auf Radtour durch die Reisfelder der Umgebung. Doch fuhren wir 4 Stunden hin und wieder zurück um zu diesen Spot zu kommen, und wurden von einem sehr unbeholfenen Guide geführt, was die Sache nicht gerade angenehm machte und unsere Stimmung sinken ließ (das mürrische Wetter lieferte den Rest...).

Anyway, die Halong-Bucht rief und auf der Junke wurden wir mit zwei anderen Pärchen durch die Felsen geschifft und genossen die Kanutour am Nachmittag und das Frühlingsrollenrollen am Abend. (Trotzdem: die Halong-Bucht scheint auf Bildern -Spoiler Google Pictures- traumhaft schön, leidet jedoch unter dem Massentourismus, was sich am Abfall im Wasser und den Abgasen der Schiffe äußert).

Anschließend ging es nach 
Hội An, der Lichterstadt und eines meiner Highlights Vietnams! Nicht zu viel Trubel in der Innenstadt, wahnsinnig schöne Atmosphäre bei Nacht und Laternen soweit das Auge reicht.

Mit dem Nachtzug ging es in den Süden Vietnams- kurzer Zwischenstopp in 
Hồ Chí Minh City, dann weiter Richtung Cần Thơdiesmal mit Toby, einem „witzigen“ Guide, der uns seine Heimat näher brachte.
Nach Besichtigung der Tunnelsysteme, die während des Bürgerkrieges zwischen Nord- und Südvietnam aktiv waren und der ehemaligen Nord-Süd Grenze, ging es für uns zu Rad und Boot zu unserem Insel Resort, bei dem wirklich Urlaubsfeeling aufkam: Sonne, Ruhe und Pool, dazu Entdeckungstour zur größten Trockenhöhle der Welt und vietnamesischer Kochkurs am Abend und alle waren glücklich... Doch auch betrübt, dass die letzten Tage anstanden und es nach Saigon zurück ging. Saigon ist leider gar nicht unser Fall gewesen: laut, stickig und trotz des scheinbar westlichen Einflusses eine Reizüberflutung für uns.

Bevor es für mich noch eine Woche nach Phu Quôc ging verabschiedete ich mich nach der Bootstour zum „floating market“ schweren Herzens von meinen Eltern. (Hätte ich nicht alles weitere bereits gebucht- ich wär mit in den Flieger gestiegen...)

Doch Taiwan stand kurz bevor und ich blickte neugierig aber auch etwas ängstlich auf den kommenden Abschnitt und meinen Freiwilligendienst in Kaohsiung.

 Phú Quốc:

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