
29 Mai 2018

Time flies

“Alian District already feels like home and teaching English resembles my new occupation”

Within the past month I made new contacts, exchanged opinions and widen my horizon by interacting with lots of Taiwanese and taking part in their daily life. – My volunteering project is a great opportunity getting to know the different lifestyle at the other end of the world. But as with so many things in life: “It’s up to you”. - You have the chance to make a change and you have to take it.

And so it came that I reviewed the last weeks English classes (at the different kind of schools) and went for a chat with Cathy about the students’ level of education.

Even though English is their second language and they start learning it from second grade on (and in addition to that at Prime School in the afternoon) there is still the alphabet written in the seventh’ graders exercise book and they struggle with simple questions. I went through their schedule, observed a few classes in different grades and came to the conclusion that there is absolutely nothing wrong with their way of teaching- but that Taiwanese students tend to try to memorize almost everything instead of making use of their skills.

Anyway, two more weeks left and I still try to do my best to encourage them speaking English!

This week was all about midterm examinations and I took an important part in the oral testing: Each student got a work sheet and had to attempt to a “small talk with teacher Lia”. It was fun but it took its time. As a reward we will bake some German cake next week and practise soccer in conjunction with useful phrases on the pitch, I promised.

On Wednesday I went to Alian Elementary School again, hold my presentation and even had to sign autographs, haha. After that I was picked up by Allen and we went to Alian Junior High for additional presentations.

On Thursday there was my weekly evening dancing class and for the following day I was already invited to take part in a pizza making class and presentation of the drummer class at John’s school which I really enjoyed.

The weekend came quickly and so did the shopping trip to Kaohsiung city with Tina, her friend Lulu and me (which was already planned three weeks in advance ;-)). It was nice strolling around the lanes being surrounded by young people and all the different kind of food and shopping stores.

A relaxing weekend continued with a churchgoing on Sunday morning and a following lunch and tea time in the community. I expanded my Chinese vocabulary and finished the day with a pleasurable dinner at Carols’ home.

…It has become a routine wielding your chop sticks for every meal and exchanging experiences and differences to the European life. I start feeling way more comfortable as I should and can’t belief there are only two more weeks ahead…

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